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  • Writer's pictureAdena Rochelson

Why Blog?

In just a few days, I will embark on a journey across the globe and welcome an abundance of new adventures. I will begin with a day in London, and then partake in a Sustainability Seminar through Scandinavia, and eventually end up in Florence for most of the semester. I always knew that studying abroad was something that I wanted to fit in during my undergraduate years. I think there is so much to learn from other cultures. It is not until we allow ourselves to venture into the unknown that we can truly understand the beauty that surrounds us.

How I feel about heading to London on Friday.

As I prepare for the semester, I questioned how I could best capture the moments as they transcend into memories. Writing has always been a way for me to depict my thoughts onto a page most freely; it’s been somewhat of a meditative space. At times when I was most unsure, I would write. As the words flowed onto the paper, I would enter a lighter space. These pages were rarely saved, so they never seemed eternal.

Choosing to blog is a commitment to permanency. It is something that is slightly outside my comfort level, but venturing beyond the line of comfort is something that I know I will experience over the next four months. This begins with the challenge of living out of a backpack for nearly two weeks during the Sustainability Seminar. It is through these moments, where we broaden the line of ease that we begin to find the most beautiful versions of ourselves.

This blog will allow me to share my experiences in the most intimate way with you. As I open myself up to the world this semester through my travels, I am excited to capture the adventures in this space. Welcome aboard as I begin my travels abroad!


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